Show Location | Class List | Patterns | Results
Judges: Kim Giglio & Lizzy Corliss
Available Classes:
Showmanship Novice
Showmanship Juniors
Showmanship Intermediate
Showmanship Seniors
Showmanship Adults
Showmanship Medals: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Supreme (4-H only)
Obstacle Trail (running concurrent to all performance classes)
Obstacle Trail in Hand
Obstacle Trail Medals: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Supreme (4-H only)
Stock Seat Equitation Novice (walk/trot)
Stock Seat Equitation Green Horse
Stock Seat Equitation Juniors
Stock Seat Equitation Intermediate
Stock Seat Equitation Seniors
Stock Seat Equitation Adults
Stock Seat Equitation Medals: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Supreme (4-H only)
Western Discipline Rail Novice (walk/trot)
Western Discipline Rail Juniors
Western Discipline Rail Intermediate
Western Discipline Rail Seniors
Western Discipline Rail Adults
Bareback Equitation Novice (walk/trot)
Bareback Equitation Juniors
Bareback Equitation Intermediate
Bareback Equitation Seniors
Bareback Equitation Adults
English Discipline Rail Juniors
English Discipline Rail Novice
English Discipline Rail Intermediate
English Discipline Rail Seniors
English Discipline Rail Adults
Hunt Seat Equitation Novice (walk/trot)
Hunt Seat Equitation Green Horse
Hunt Seat Equitation Juniors
Hunt Seat Equitation Intermediate
Hunt Seat Equitation Seniors
Hunt Seat Equitation Adult
Hunt Seat Equitation Medals: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Supreme (4-H only)
NOVICE: Classes will be walk/trot only. This division is for those with limited showing experience who do not feel comfortable and safe cantering in a group of riders. Open to riders of any age, but there is no cross-entry between other divisions.
GREEN HORSE: Horse was started after Octobter 1, 2022.
JUNIOR: Rider’s age as of October 1, 2022 is between 8-10.
INTERMEDIATE: Rider’s age as of October 1, 2022 is between 11-13.
SENIOR: Rider’s age as of October 1, 2022 is between 14-19.
ADULT: Age 20+
If you’ve never been to a 4-H show before, some of these classes may be new to you. Below is some information gathered from other 4-H programs to help give you a sense of what they’re all about. Don’t let this information overwhelm you, though. The idea is to try something new and have fun doing it!
A class judged on the rider’s ability to fit (prepare) and show a horse at halter being poised and confident while leading a well-groomed and conditioned horse through a precise pattern. English or Western attire may be worn.
A riding class judged on the rider’s body position, ability to control their horse, and on the correct use of riding aids. Stock Seat is a Western style of riding. Western tack (saddle and bridle) and attire are worn.
A riding class that tests the skills of both horse and rider. In this class, riders execute specific gaits, transitions, and movements as requested by the judge. They may be asked to extend or collect gaits, stop, side-pass, pivot, perform lead changes, back up, dismount, reverse, counter-canter, extend trot, and other movements at the discretion of the judge. This class is sort of like playing “Simon Says” on horseback. Western tack (saddle and bridle) and attire are worn.
A riding class ridden without a saddle. Riders may choose to exhibit in any of the Equitation riding styles; Hunt Seat, Saddle Seat, or Stock Seat.
A riding class that tests the skills of both horse and rider. In this class, riders execute specific gaits, transitions, and movements as requested by the judge. They may be asked to extend or collect gaits, stop, side-pass, pivot, perform lead changes, back up, dismount, reverse, counter-canter, extend trot, and other movements at the discretion of the judge. This class is sort of like playing “Simon Says” on horseback. Traditional English attire is worn.
A riding class judged on the youth’s body position, ability to control their horse, and on the correct use of riding aids. Hunt Seat is an English style of riding based on the tradition of fox hunting. Traditional English attire is worn.